Speaking Topics:

Teen Depression and Anxiety:  The Teenage Self

Anxiety and depression among teens continue to grow at an alarming rate, as evidenced in the increase in bullying, addiction, mental health diagnoses, school shootings, and suicide.  As such, parents and educators must be equipped with the warning signs and knowledge to address such complex issues. 

Chris addresses teen anxiety and depression in an empathic way that helps both teens and educators become more willing to open up and discuss their struggles. He teaches the warning signs, as well as how to navigate anxiety and depression treatment-wise. This is a must-see presentation for anyone who works with teens.

School Shootings: Why And Who And How To Respond When Touched By Violence

School shootings have certainly increased over recent years, with at least 1,300 shootings reported since 1970.  Even beyond what we hear in the media, there are many more instances of threats that are never reported.  As you can imagine, many teens are living in fear and looking over their shoulders for who could be the next school shooter.  They’re afraid, confused, and not sure how to handle the array of emotions that arise due to such a threat. 

Chris is committed to help prevent future school shootings and violence in general. His expertise on the matter is invaluable. Take the lead and learn how to prepare or respond when violence occurs. 

Teens and Technology: The Hidden Danger

Technology addiction is rampant, with many children and teens addicted to devices like cell phones, video games, and television. While parents used to be the primary communication gatekeepers for their teens, today, children have virtually any information right at their fingertips – which isn’t always a good thing.  Children as young as ten are engaging in dangerous online behavior.  

Chris shares the hidden dangers in technology, as well as the positive impact technology can have in the world. Be in the know. Learn about the tech world teens are living in and know what you can do to keep them safe and encourage positive tech engagement. 

Keynote:  A Kid I Once Knew 

Chris knows what it’s like to grow up devastated by loss, enduring one tragedy after another. He gets how challenging it can be to be a teen in today’s world. He’s also learned how to climb out of the pits of grief and depression. This keynote presentation, Chris uses stories from his own life to present valuable lessons he’s learned through his adult years healing from pain and trauma. 

Using the art of storytelling, Chris uses humor, imagination, tension, and inspiration to uplift and motivate teens to do whatever it takes to create a better life for themselves and the world.